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Safe Space with Francesco Lombardo

Oct 18, 2022

Join Francesco Lombardo for this week's Safe Space as he speaks with Charlie Rhomberg, 4th generation member of the Schmid family, Crescent Electric Supply Company.

Founded in 1919, Crescent Electric Supply has grown significantly over the decades. The 3rd generation of owners realized there needed to be more structure in place for the future generations to keep the business going strong. Now with over 130 family members, how exactly was this accomplished? How is the family keeping the business of the business and the business of the family separate? Why is it just as important for the youngest generations to build connections in the family as it is for the senior generations?

Charlie’s advice…for the Senior Generation, continue to work with future generations in developing a plan for what the retirement changeover will look like. NxtGen, learn as much as you can about family history and your roots to create a different kind of connection with the family.


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